Welcome Bellydancer-To-Be!

Welcome Bellydancer-To-Be!

Headshot of bellydance teacher, Raena

McKinney Schedule 2025

Studio location info is below class schedule

Are you ready to join the empowering world of bellydance?

What I love about this dance is how it is so adaptable and therapeutic, for EVERYONE. All ages, sizes, abilities. Bellydance leads us to celebrate ourselves, connect with others, enhance our creativity, all while moving our bodies and releasing those “feel good” endorphins.

In my McKinney TX classes, you will learn Raqs Sharqi (bellydance) in an relaxed, upbeat “boutique” setting. My priority is for each student to have a great time and leave my class feeling better than when you arrived.

Our lives & bodies are unique! As a multi-certified fitness trainer, I truly understand life is a balancing act. Work & family stressors. Health issues or chronic injuries. Aging & menopausal changes. We are all navigating the ups & downs. Personally, I have Ehlers Danlos (EDS) so my classes are designed to ensure you and I enjoy the benefits, while having fun & moving safely.

Below, you’ll find all the details about my various classes and more. If you have general questions, visit my FAQs. If you have another concern, let’s talk.

You deserve the magic of bellydance in your life - let’s make it happen!


  • Mondays 630PM


    ALL LEVELS - New to Experienced

    EmPOWER your dance! Train with Raena using dance drills, combos, and core moves that build your everyday AND bellydance abilities. 

  • Tuesdays 10AM


    Beginner to Intermediate

    Bellydance is the perfect way to spend your morning! Learn the essential movements of this amazing art & (re) discover the dancer inside YOU.

  • Wednesdays 630PM


    Beginner to Intermediate

    Shimmy into YOUR BEST SELF! Transform your mindset while loving all the new beautiful moves your body learns in this fun choreography class.

  • Troupe Class

    Raqsat Al Jamal Perfomance Troupe

    Invite only! This class is for dedicated students who want a ongoing group dance experience. Applicants need to have taken a year + of classes with Raena. 

  • Private Lessons

    Bellydance takes time to learn! My group classes are a lot of fun but you may want a personalized setting to get comfortable moving in these new ways. Or you may be ready to level up your current bellydance skills and explore new challenges. Private sessions are held in my home studio (or on ZOOM) and vary due to my personal schedule.

  • Workshop Events

    There are so many branches of bellydance to explore! Periodically, I offer special classes and workshop opportunities (props, music genres, folkoric material, etc) that I feel will help my students widen their dance horizons. This page will keep you informed on the latest special events.


PARK & ENTER STUDIO AT THE REAR (behind Sai Nritya Academy)



NO REFUNDS! Before registering, please confirm your schedule works well with your preferred class session. As a small business, classes are based on a minimum number of participants. Thank you for respecting the needs of small business! 

Missed class? You will receive the weekly recording in your inbox to practice with at your convenience.

* If Raena needs to cancel a class last minute, a make-up date will be offered.